Sarah Russell

Dental Hygienist

CEB Dip Dent Hygiene (1987)

About me

Sarah Russell, as experienced dental hygienist, embarked on her dental career as a dental nurse before earning her CEB Diploma in Dental Hygiene in 1995. With over three decades of experience, she has dedicated the past 29 years to providing exceptional dental hygiene care to patient in Newbury, Berkshire.

Sarah's practice encompasses routine maintenance and cleanings, as well as more advanced periodontal cases that necessitate the use of local anaesthetics for full mouth disinfection. She emphasises the importance of patient education in oral hygiene. Sarah believes that visual learning is key and often uses a mirror to show patients where issues lie, taking the time to demonstrate effective dental cleaning techniques.

Sarah is a staunch advocate for the significance of oral hygiene. She stresses that the most critical aspect of dental hygiene is the patient's daily dental home routine.

Sarah Russell is committed to fostering a collaborative environment where patients are empowered to take charge of their oral health, ensuring they achieve and maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.

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